
'For now we really live, since you are standing firm in the Lord….'

Archive for September, 2010

Hols reading…

It’s that time of year (late, I know, but cheaper) when Ali and I get to go away for a break.

My idea of a holiday?  Well it varies, but this time around we are going for the Villa, pool and outdoor BBQ.  It’s made all the better as we are spending it with great friends too.  Can’t wait!

It also gives me tremendous thinking / planning / reading time (which can easily get pushed out with the busyness of life), so here are my book choices :

Spiritual Depression – Dr Martyn Lloyd-Jones

If Christianity is such “good news” why are its followers often unhappy? Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones was possibly the greatest Christian preacher and teacher of the twentieth century. A medical doctor by training, Spiritual Depression draws together his professional understanding of the mind with a profound understanding of Christian teaching and the Bible. It diagnoses the causes of the ill feeling that many Christians experience. It prescribes the practical care that is needed to lift people’s spirits and bring them freedom, power and joy. Spiritual health is possible and this book explains how everyone can grasp it for themselves.

Sticky Teams – Larry Osborne

Serving as a church leader can be a tough assignment. Whatever your role, odds are you’ve known your share of the frustration, conflict, and disillusionment that comes with silly turf battles, conflicting vision, and marathon meetings. With practical and accessible wisdom, Larry Osborne exposes the hidden roadblocks, structures, and goofy thinking that sabotage even the best intentioned teams. Then with time-tested and proven strategies he shows what it takes to get (and keep) a board, staff, and congregation on the same page. Whatever your situation; from start-up phase, to mid-sized, to megachurch, Osborne has been there. As the pastor of North Coast Church he’s walked his board, staff, and congregation through the process. Now with warm encouragement and penetrating insights he shares his secrets to building and maintaining a healthy and unified ministry team that sticks together for the long haul.

Multisite Church Revolution – Surratt, Ligon & Bird

Fueled by a desire to reach people for Christ, a revolution is underway. Churches are growing beyond the limitations of a single service in one building. Expanding the traditional model, they are embracing the concept of one church with more than one site: multiple congregations sharing a common vision, budget, leadership, and board. The Multi-Site Church Revolution offers guidance, insights, and specific action steps as well as appendixes with practical leadership resources and self-diagnostic tools.  This book is part of the Leadership Network Innovation Series.

Pass me another cold one…..!